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Handling Unwanted Attention Abroad

By: Emma Jones - Updated: 12 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Handling Unwanted Attention Abroad

You may be used to getting unwanted attention but it can be even worse when you are abroad. When people have been drinking more, as they do on holiday, they tend to be more confident and are often egged on by their friends. You may also find that you get unwanted attention from locals. Westerners are often seen as more promiscuous and unfortunately sometimes treated so. Dressing appropriately, not drinking too much and knowing some local language can help you ward off unwanted attention.

Don’t Drink Too Much

When you are on holiday it is tempting to drink more and let loose. However, drinking too much alcohol will leave you less in control and more of an easy target. This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy yourself and have a few drinks but be careful about the size of measures and how the sun affects you. Being clear minded will make you much more able to handle unwanted attention effectively.

Dress Appropriately

One of the reasons why westerners get unwanted attention abroad is because they dress more liberally. In many countries women cover up a lot more so men are intrigued by girls with flesh on show. Think about where you are going and dress appropriately. If you are going out in a resort or area with lots of westerners then you can get away with wearing less than if you are going to a local area. What you wear will have a big affect on the kind of attention you receive.

Learn the Language

If you were being given a lot of unwanted attention at home then you would tell them to leave you alone. When you are abroad however, it can be more difficult to communicate your feelings. It is a good idea to learn some key phrases in the local language such as ‘go away’, ‘leave me alone’ and ‘help’. You can also be clear by gestures and your body language that you are not interested.

Don’t Accept It

Whether you are getting unwanted attention from a local or someone else on holiday, you don’t have to put up with it. Just because you are abroad and have had a few drinks doesn’t make it any more acceptable. If they won’t take no for an answer then get a local or someone at the bar to talk to them. If you are assaulted then make sure that you report it so that they know they cannot get away with it.

Getting unwanted attention is never fun and when everyone is drinking and in the holiday spirit it can often happen. You do not need to put up with it so make sure you tell them to leave you alone. Watch how much you drink so that you are in control and think about what you wear that you don’t encourage the behaviour. If they take it too far then don’t be afraid to report them as it is unacceptable and should not be tolerated, here or abroad.

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